Elsa Susana Dominguez Caballero
“It’s is both, a pleasure and an honor for me to recommend Lorna Bukkland for being a member of your organization. I’ve known her personally and professionally for over 12 years now, being a dear friend to me and a wonderful and admirable trainer.I truly believe that a trainer’s effectiveness comes from the quality of the relationship he or she builds with the trainees, and I think this is one of the most amazing skills I recognize in Lorna. She has trained herself in so many places, lines and with different trainers, so her knowledge background is very solid, and she has a lot of information and wisdom to share. Nevertheless, I think that the reason she actually gets her message across in a powerful way is because she is an honest and congruent person, who focuses first on building the warm space where people can fill welcome and held, and then be open to learning and personal growth. She is always proactive and careful with details, she sincerely cares for the people around her and she’s kind and generous. She is authentic, creative and she captivates her audiences with her sense of humor. She is confident and she has great presentation skills, and the ability to support each person’s learning path in a smooth and subtle way. I’ve learnt very much from her, and I’m absolutely sure she will contribute and enrich your organization.”