“It has truly been the best thing I have personally ever done”
This is a brief of how I discovered NLP, and how it has transformed my personal life…….. for the last 30 plus years
In 1981 I discovered I had cervical cancer ………… I was totally devastated,
………so much was not working out in my life at that time
My Doctor informed me that I had cervical cancer in the early stages, and because of my history of 10 long term failed pregnancies, and after spending long periods in hospital, that he had to recommended I have a hysterectomy immediately – That really I had no choice ………… otherwise they told me I could have 3months to 3 years of life expectancy.
That is all they could promise me at that time.
I was shattered, all I ever wanted was to have children of my own and this would prevent me ever having this dream fulfilled. Having been pregnant 10 times where I had the baby die in the womb 7 times, and miscarried three times I was told that I could not afford to get pregnant again and my choice was to have the operation now or they could not give me a time, as to how long I would have. Women with cervical cancer had survived up to three years and others had not lasted 6 months. I felt that all of my dreams had been shattered – what did I have to live for?
33 years ago, on December the 5th I had the hysterectomy ……………………
Then after a lot of therapy, counselling, and self exploration about things that had happened in my life as a child, dysfunctional very fearful relationships with my siblings, I used to live in so much fear that I would hide in the wardrobe if my parents were not home, my grief from losing my father to a heart attack, and so many unresolved issues that I was always told to just sweep it under the carpet and it would just all go away ……………………………….. but it didn’t. Thanks to my wonderful local Doctor, Dr Robbie Fleming, and a counsellor/therapist who believed in me and my ability to change, my life changed and this is now history. (when you are my age, 33 years ago is history).
I had the confidence to go it alone and make some healthier choices, no longer choosing to be a part of toxic relationships that created very contaminated, and fearful environment. I left a dysfunctional marriage and started a journey of rediscovering the beauty of life.
I took a very good look at what I was doing in my life, how I was living my life and what did I have to change so that my life would extend beyond all the predictions that were being thrown around. I finally made a decision to leave an unhappy emotionally abusive marriage, which was contaminated and toxic because of the circumstances that surrounded us. I began to involve myself in some personal development and give myself the gift of healing and a longer life. It was not all a bed of roses but it has been the best decision of my life – to leave a very toxic relationship, get off my butt and invest in the most important asset I had – which was ME and was very lucky to have the support of my Mother and very special friends in my life that made it all possible.
I spent very valuable time on my own, for myself, learning, discovering and healing …… and for the first time really appreciating the real me that had been hiding within me, I moved to the city and began to meet new people and was surrounded by positive people who supported my growth and changes and encouraged me to do more with my life. This began me on my journey of learning and continuing my education in the beauty Therapy industry and in personal self development. After 1 year so many things had changed in my life and I was enjoying who I was, the life I was living and sharing all this with the wonderful friends I had, that supported me in many different ways, and those that could not accept the new me, went their own way with me choosing to move on, I was now setting boundaries to create a healthier life, spending time with people who supported my change and growth and many people moved out of my life.
Jon, who has been my friend for 25yrs, and is now my husband of 23+ years, together we attended a six week course with John Kehoe of Mind Power, we became awakened to so many things that we had not really thought about and began putting them to work4us. My health improved, my energy improved, I was happy, I was motivated, I had so much more understanding of peoples differences, understood where I maybe could have done things differently in my life, and was excited about all that had changed for me, and I was enjoying my life again with lots of very special people who supported my vision, and encouraged me standing beside me as I developed and grew, and the many trainers who became mentors for me.
Jon and I then attended some weekend workshops, where I began assisting and met an NLP Therapist , Ken, who introduced us to Dr. Tad James trainings where we completed the NLP Prac, Master Prac, Personal Evolution program, Trainers training in America as well as some other of his trainings. At this time I began researching on the internet and started to buy some products, audios etc from differentt rainers and a whole new world opened up for me. I realized that I had ‘too much baggage’ that had to be cleaned out, and this is where I came to the realization that I had a lot of people in my life that had me there for what I could give them or do for them and this was not healthy for me and my boundaries were being violated because of my over generous nature. It was at this time that I came across Dr. Bob Bodenhamer and Dr. Michael Hall and had purchased most of their training materials when they began coming to Australia., by this time I had established a good relationship speaking with Bob, who has become a very dear friend and we have enjoyed training together. Jon and I have both completed numerous trainings with Neuro-Semantics which they founded, and completed their trainers training and achieved Meta-coaching certificates.
Over the next few years we trained with many international trainers who all in their own ways have enhanced my life of becoming healthier and happier, Each one of them has contributed to me being who I am today.Sue Knight- coaching & modeling, John Gray – Mars Venus,, Dr. Topher Morrison, Chris Howard, David Sheppard, John Tickell, Dr David Lake-EFT, Ken Wall & Kobus Neethlin -Whole Brain Thinking, AlphaTraining, and many more as well as purchasing training materials from many other excellent trainers.
eight years ago, I went to Italy and trained with Shelle Rose Charvet and trained in the LAB (Learning and Behaviour) Profile and became the first Australian trainer of the Words That Change Minds. I had been using this model for years as we had learnt this in NLP – I was amazed at how much more I learnt about this, and people. This was truly one of the best trainins I had ever attended, and I learnt so much more about myself, Shelle’s style of training has helped my training style considerably and still use them in my trainings today.
Every year I engage in more trainings that enhance my own trainings and give me more skills to pass on to my students, i also trained in iwam which is a profiling tool, which Patrick Merlevedre developed out of the Meta programs and the LAB Profile. Having achieved Cert IV in Training and Assessment, Business and Personal Coaching, Small Business Management. NLP Health Certification, mBIT Master Trainer and Coach Certification, mBIT Leadership and Deveolopment, and continuie to add value to my training, coaching and therapy skills.
In 2010, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the NLP University in at the UCSC
(University of California Santa Cruz) where I attended the NLPU Master NLP Trainers training with Robert Dilts and Judith De Lozier (two of the original developers of NLP in the early years), this was a long time dream of mine, to
meet and train with these two outstanding contributors to the field of NLP, who’s books and information I had been reading and utilising for many years, I haved formed many long term associations with excellent trainers from all corners of the world, this was truly one of the most rewarding trainings in my life, and I have the most precious connections and collaboration with so many NLPU Graduates, and trainers.
Truly the most rewarding training and community I have ever been involved with, they create a world where people want to belong, totally support and encourage all of their students.
I have made some beautiful friends and colleagues with some of the most magnificent trainers internationally who I am still in contact with today, lifelong colleagues.
I was invited to assist with their Trainers Training in 2011, and again for the whole summer in 2012 , all of Summer 2014, and this was truly another rewarding experience and have again learnt many things and have developed a really great respect and friendship with the NLPU trainers and associates, and continue my association with many of them.
Jon (my husband) attended their Trainers Training in 2012 and this was a truly rewarding experience for him, and has been a positive outcome for him personally and professionally. I have been priviledged to have been accepted, and authorised to use Robert and Judiths materials to assist with my own materials and trainings, and am now offereing affiliated NLPU NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Certifications.
Have I had challenges – Absolutely.
The difference now is that I had all the necessary tools to deal with my challenges when I was face to face with with them. 11 yrs ago I was diagnosed with Hashimosis – very underactive thyroid and the unbelievably rude specialist (not a people person) told me I would probably at my age take a long time to correct it and if I was not careful I could be dead in 3 -6 months – oh yeah! He didn’t know who he was dealing with here, and who was in charge of my healing and it sure was not him, I used the techniques of NLP, Neuro-Semantics and Hypnotherapy and guess what in 6 weeks I had a normal reading, and he would not believe it. He didn’t know what I knew. I know many doctors who have now trained in NLP because they were amazed at the results they were seeing in some of their own clients. My own personal Doctor and surgeon regularly refers clients to me.lornapin
This year I have had major surgery, and was hospitalised 5 times, and am healing really well now, having lost 80kg
over the last 4 years, I am slimmer, healthier and have more energy and my pain from arthritis has completely disappeared. My Doctors and many of the nurses are amazed at my recovery, and I acknowledge how blessed I am
to have been introduced to NLP, Self Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and how I make it work in healing me more quickly. I am now a size 10 which I have never been before.
I never stop being amazed at how wonderful it is to keep learning and developing, and how lucky I am to be here each day to have the opportunity to experience this. As I look back at 33 years ago and to who I am today, and what I am doing I am truly grateful for taking that first step into the ‘unknown’ where I thought I knew everything and it wouldn’t be able to make any difference to my life, I was living with the cards I was dealt!!!! Everyday is a wonderful day, and
I accept there will be some more challenges but I am no longer afraid of challenges and welcome them as a very valuable learning for me.
mBIT – mBraining has added another dimension to my trainings and has added value both professionally and personally as I integrate it into my everyday life, I am now one of only 6 mBIT Master Trainers in the world, training internationally in Australia, USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, and negotiating in other countries, as we continue to expand mBIT internationally in making a difference
creating a better world, bringing compassion and courage into many peoples lives personally and professionally to live the life they want.
I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis over 18 years ago, and have been able to manage it and have full mobility of my
limbs every day – I have arthritis in my shoulders, hips and knees. I often used to wake up with stiffness – complete my process of self healing and get out of bed with full mobility of all my limbs and totally pain free – yeah! I love the NLP self healing methods, and use them everyday in my life. My arthritis is no longer an issue in my life.
People come in to our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime –
so now I enjoy all the good times of now as you never know when one day they will be no longer in our lives. Treasure the special people in your life, enjoy the time you have with them, Acknowledge their magnificence and accept their fallibilities knowing they are doing the best they can with the resources they have available at the time.
Forgiveness Is The Gift You Give Yourself.
This is a short summary of how NLP changed my life, are you ready step up and discover a new levels of enjoyment and happiness in your life and communicate and relate more successfully and fulfill your dreams?